Tuesday October 22, 2024

The Tree of Life.

John 15:5
While fruit is being formed and remaining on the tree, it is receiving the sustenance needed for it’s life. The life giving and nourishing sap feeds the fruit and permeates it wholly.

Ephesians 4:4 and 4:16
How would one know that they are truly established in Him? That the man or woman of God is thoroughly furnished unto all good works?

2 Timothy 3:17
By the fruit produced and exhibited in their life. Anyone and everyone that truly comes to Jesus Christ experiences His power and a changed heart, that sets them on a journey and growth that will automatically lead them into a wondrous life, producing holiness and righteousness.. by the Holy Spirit.

The fruit can’t help but show up!

One’s continued commitment of Faith in Jesus Christ alone, is tantamount to a healthy branch loaded with delicious life giving fruit upon a tree. They will reflect their Source. Christ is our ever Living Fountain. They that come to Him, stay, and find rest for their souls!!

Brother Marvin Phillips D230